Fearless + Faithful = Future Blessings

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think…”

This portion of Ephesians 3:20 is such a golden nugget of truth, rock-solid in its promise of deliverance and devotion!

When it comes to facing our fears, we think we have God all figured out. We bring Him down to our level, and typically predict how we think He’ll work out a particular situation. Sure, we pray, but we usually anticipate the result and expect it all to work out to our liking. We grow impatient, sometimes rushing the process. In the end, we discover that God’s timing is perfect.

Why, then, are we surprised when God does an “exceeding abundantly” thing in our lives? I think it might be due to our lack of faith. The Bible tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. God is much bigger than we imagine, more capable than we can comprehend. What is promised to us is not always tangible, not even within our grasp! With faith, it is always manageable and totally magnificent!

Faith has a two-fold demension; it can represent your belief system, the convictions that are securely in place. However, faith is also the foundation of confidence one has for the future, choosing to drive fear away. It’s the quiet expectation of a sure blessing–without a due date on its arrival!

It’s not a matter of being faithful–it’s a matter of being faith-full. Are you?